Wednesday 13 June 2012

A front wedgie , can you believe thats what "Melvin" means?
This time, its personal.

Ever felt how much you just dislike, and to the extent it gets so overwhelming you just despise, in all of your spite about a person that you wanna give a "Melvin" to him. And perhaps later , on yourself. Just out of blatant rage thou. Remember the WoW boy that got his account deleted by his mother?

Society should realise how messed up it would be, if such a hulk ever chose to go on a destructive rage spree. You know.. getting a surprise frontal wedgie when you're getting your sub of the day? Or a surprise butt-sex by your boss. In most cases, just a temperamental a**hole screwing you up in the classroom or work. Trust me on this, it ruins your life if not just your day.

But why would that b*****d do that?

Simple, because another mean and obese fat-ass with an illusory superiority issue had given him a wedgie several hours/months/years before. And then thats when we too might've asked, why would that b*****d have done that? And the wedgie chain goes on.

So does it mean that the grudge is passed on ad-infinitum?

In most cases, yes. People like these, are generally not enraged by the new subject, but much towards the first fucker and ultimately, themselves. So do not try to be asking for sympathy or fund up for support, when that boy you playfully destroyed emotionally ; comes up to you one fine day. With an ice pick, and starts stabbing you with stupendous gore and finesse. Indulging in your screams and cries for reasoning and rationale that you've thrown out the plane many moons ago. And you bet, that "American Psycho" will make sure you saviour every single moment whilst your insides are hanging out to the ground.

And what's the best part? You never had it coming with malice, consentingly at least.

Illusory Superiority 
So what is this illusory superiority? Is it just another superiority complex? Nay, superiority complex is when a person feels superior as a defence mechanism to conceal his insides and inferiority. Illusory superiority on the other hand, is defined as a superior feeling or impression towards others. Research has found that, people like these are actually quite the common everywhere. Usually they would first pedestalise themselves, and then the number 2 on their friends, and subsequently the most inferior for their peers. Of course all these are only in a social setting.
I guess for the general public, we always seem to have the perception of being better than our siblings. Lets just talk about siblings for today shall we?  Because siblings are the closest people in your life, and you can never get rid of them, plus it also represents the most basic and crucial obstacle if you ever want to master the social monopoly.

Still not convinced? Well most of us would say "yeah John is a lil bit of a prick, but he's a good friend..". But when it comes to siblings, most of us would start talking shit and doing your very best to undermine and project a negative image to them. Even if not, you'd at least paint yourself in an angelic portrait to outshine the other midgets.

"He pee'd in his pants while he was 12!" - doesn't matter how, perhaps he was bullied till so, but LOL!- And no justice is served.

Doesn't anyone else also find it despicable, when the person you had once looked up to, undermines or insults you in the face of others? Especially siblings whom worked together, largely what more if they are associated in many other things such as an association? For instance, rebutting your opinions or anything just for the sake of wanting to be the smarter child. It is a bigger problem for older siblings, when they always want to look better compared to their younger 'counterparts' ! Doesn't matter if you have surpassed them.

"But i think hor, this way might be better because... "
"Noooo,you don't know what we're talking about LAH"
See the problem? You're just spitefully outcasting the poor fella in the discussion, regardless of whether he has a point or not.

Hence please, do not be judgemental to say a person is heartless for deserting their siblings aite.

"But he is still a brother what!" - This is not applicable anymore.
Most of us would rather see collateral damage than to fix things, what more than to let it slide?

To some of us, the smallest of things and even those of even larger importance...

"This time, its personal.."

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